The United States Social Security Administration has proposed a change to the Combined Help Limit in 2022. This change could have significant consequences for those who are receiving Social Security benefits. In this article, we will discuss the proposed changes to the Combined Help Limit and the potential consequences for those affected.
2022 Combined Help Limit
The Combined Help Limit is a limit that applies to those who are receiving Social Security benefits. Currently, the limit is set at $17,640 per year. This limit applies to the combined income of an individual and their spouse or other family members who are receiving Social Security benefits. Starting in 2022, the limit will be increased to $18,960 per year. This increase is intended to help those who are receiving Social Security benefits to better cover their living expenses.
Consequences of the Change
The increased Combined Help Limit could have a number of consequences for those who are receiving Social Security benefits. First, it could help to reduce the amount of money that individuals need to pay out of pocket for living expenses. Second, it could make it easier for individuals to qualify for additional benefits, such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Finally, it could help to reduce the amount of money that individuals need to borrow from Social Security in order to make ends meet.
The proposed changes to the Combined Help Limit could have significant consequences for those who are receiving Social Security benefits. It is important for those affected by the changes to understand how the new limit could affect their finances and to take steps to ensure that they are able to make the most of the increased limit.