Are you looking for a heartwarming and cute anime to watch? Then look no further than Tsuma Shougakusei ni Naru! This anime follows the story of a young boy named Mitsuki who marries his elementary school crush, Hiyori, who has suddenly turned into an adult woman. Along with their adorable relationship, the show is filled with charming and loveable characters that you won’t be able to resist.
Introducing the Adorable Tsuma Shougakusei Cast!
Mitsuki is the main character of the show and is voiced by Yusuke Kobayashi. He is a sweet and innocent elementary school boy who suddenly finds himself married to his crush, Hiyori. Despite his young age, Mitsuki is wise beyond his years and is always looking out for those around him.
Hiyori, voiced by Rina Hidaka, is the female lead and Mitsuki’s elementary school crush. After drinking a special potion, she suddenly turns into a full-grown woman, much to Mitsuki’s surprise. Hiyori is kind-hearted and caring, always putting others before herself. Her relationship with Mitsuki is incredibly sweet, and they make an adorable couple.
Yuki is Mitsuki’s best friend and is voiced by Inori Minase. She has a bubbly and outgoing personality and is always there to support Mitsuki. Yuki is a great friend to both Mitsuki and Hiyori and often provides comic relief to the show.
Get to Know the Charming Kids of Tsuma Shougakusei ni Naru!
Miku is one of Mitsuki’s classmates and is voiced by Ayaka Asai. She is a quiet and reserved girl who often keeps to herself. Despite her shy personality, Miku is incredibly talented and excels in both academics and athletics.
Shin, voiced by Shun Horie, is another one of Mitsuki’s classmates. He is a mischievous boy who enjoys teasing Mitsuki and Yuki. Despite his playful nature, Shin is a loyal friend and is always there when Mitsuki needs him.
Kanna, voiced by Chika Anzai, is a sweet and caring girl who is always looking out for her friends. She is smart and kind-hearted, making her a great addition to Mitsuki’s group of friends.
The cast of Tsuma Shougakusei ni Naru is one of the show’s strongest points, each character bringing their own unique personality and charm to the story. Whether you’re a fan of Mitsuki and Hiyori’s sweet relationship or enjoy the playful banter between the friends, there’s something for everyone in this heartwarming anime. So grab some popcorn and settle in for a delightful and adorable experience with Tsuma Shougakusei ni Naru!