Batman: Soul of the Dragon is a 2021 direct-to-video animated superhero film based on the DC Comics character Batman. Produced by Warner Bros. Animation and DC Entertainment, it is the 34th installment of the DC Universe Animated Original Movies and the first to be primarily set in the 1970s. Directed by Sam Liu, the film features an ensemble cast that includes the voices of David Giuntoli, Michael Jai White, and Mark Dacascos.
The film follows Bruce Wayne as he teams up with his former mentors O-Sensei, Richard Dragon, and Lady Shiva to save the world from an ancient evil. Along the way, Bruce faces his greatest challenge yet as he learns to master the power of the soul of the dragon.
Overview of "Batman: Soul of the Dragon"
Batman: Soul of the Dragon is a 2021 animated film that follows Bruce Wayne on an epic adventure as he teams up with his mentors to save the world from an ancient evil. The film features an all-star cast of voice actors, including David Giuntoli, Michael Jai White, and Mark Dacascos. It is the 34th installment of the DC Universe Animated Original Movies and the first to be primarily set in the 1970s.
The film follows Bruce Wayne as he teams up with his former mentors O-Sensei, Richard Dragon, and Lady Shiva to save the world from an ancient evil. Along the way, Bruce faces his greatest challenge yet as he learns to master the power of the soul of the dragon.
Index of Batman’s 2021 Adventure
- Bruce Wayne’s Mentors: O-Sensei, Richard Dragon, and Lady Shiva
- Bruce Wayne’s Final Test: Learning to Master the Power of the Soul of the Dragon
- The Ancient Evil Threatening the World
- The Star-Studded Voice Cast
- The 1970s Setting
Batman: Soul of the Dragon is an exciting new adventure for the iconic DC Comics character. With its star-studded cast, thrilling story, and unique 1970s setting, it promises to be a movie that fans of Batman won’t want to miss.