The amount of money you can earn before you have to pay tax in Australia depends on your individual circumstances. Understanding the tax thresholds and how they work is an important part of managing your finances and ensuring you are paying the right amount of tax.
Tax Threshold in Australia
The Australian tax system is based on a progressive tax system, meaning that the more you earn, the higher rate of tax you are required to pay. The government sets a tax-free threshold, which is the amount of money an individual can earn before they are required to pay tax. This is currently set at $18,200 for the 2020-21 financial year.
In addition to the tax-free threshold, there are also two other income brackets that are taxed at different rates. These are the 19% and 32.5% tax brackets. If you earn more than the tax-free threshold but less than $37,000, you will pay 19% tax on your income. If you earn more than $37,000, you will pay 32.5% tax on the income above this amount.
How Much Can You Earn Before Tax?
The amount of money you can earn before you have to pay tax in Australia depends on your individual circumstances. If you are an individual with no dependents, then you can earn up to $18,200 before you are required to pay tax. If you are a couple, then you can earn up to $36,400 before you are required to pay tax.
If you are an individual earning more than the tax-free threshold, then you will pay 19% tax on the income between $18,200 and $37,000. If you are a couple, then you will pay 19% tax on the income between $36,400 and $74,000.
If you are an individual earning more than $37,000, then you will pay 32.5% tax on the income above this amount. If you are a couple, then you will pay 32.5% tax on the income above $74,000.
Understanding the tax thresholds in Australia is important for managing your finances and ensuring you are paying the right amount of tax. Knowing how much you can earn before you have to pay tax can help you plan your finances and make the most of your income.