Once Upon a Time is a beloved fantasy drama television series that follows the lives of the residents of the fictional town of Storybrooke, Maine. The show first aired in 2011 and ran for seven seasons, ending in 2018. It features an ensemble cast of characters who are all based on characters from classic literature and fairy tales. In this article, we’ll explore the cast of Once Upon a Time and the actors who brought these characters to life.
The Cast of Once Upon a Time
Once Upon a Time featured an impressive cast of actors, many of whom were already well-known in the entertainment industry. The main cast included Ginnifer Goodwin as Snow White/Mary Margaret Blanchard, Jennifer Morrison as Emma Swan, Lana Parrilla as the Evil Queen/Regina Mills, Josh Dallas as Prince Charming/David Nolan, Jared Gilmore as Henry Mills, Robert Carlyle as Rumplestiltskin/Mr. Gold, and Emilie de Ravin as Belle.
The show also featured a number of recurring characters and guest stars. Some of the most memorable recurring characters included Jamie Dornan as Sheriff Graham, Meghan Ory as Red Riding Hood/Ruby, Colin O’Donoghue as Captain Killian “Hook” Jones, and Rebecca Mader as the Wicked Witch of the West/Zelena.
Exploring the Actors and Characters
Ginnifer Goodwin is a Golden Globe-nominated actress who is best known for her roles in Big Love and Walk the Line. On Once Upon a Time, she played Snow White, the iconic Disney princess. Jennifer Morrison is an Emmy-nominated actress who is best known for her roles in House and How I Met Your Mother. On Once Upon a Time, she played Emma Swan, the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming.
Lana Parrilla is an Emmy-nominated actress who is best known for her roles in 24 and Spin City. On Once Upon a Time, she played the Evil Queen, the show’s main antagonist. Josh Dallas is an actor who is best known for his roles in Thor and Robin Hood. On Once Upon a Time, he played Prince Charming, the love interest of Snow White.
Jared Gilmore is an actor who is best known for his roles in Mad Men and Once Upon a Time. On the show, he played Henry Mills, the son of Emma Swan. Robert Carlyle is an Emmy-nominated actor who is best known for his roles in The Full Monty and Trainspotting.